
What is Solarise?

The Interreg 2 Seas project SOLARISE boosts the adoption of solar energy in historical and public buildings and for households with a focus on low-income families and also shows future technologies through living labs. Another aim is to lower the impact of the solar renewables on the electricity grid by, for example, installing storage capacity.

Through developing guidance, tools, business cases, SOLARISE wants to facilitate the broad roll-out of new solar and storage technologies. By experimenting in demonstration projects and living labs, SOLARISE wants to eliminate legal and organisational barriers and develop viable business cases. More information about the Solarise project can be found on this website.

Living Lab KU Leuven

The active awning at the Living Lab demonstrates a range of these technologies for visitors and students at the Faculty of Engineering Technology. These include bifacial PV modules (sunlight is captured on both the front and back of the module), or semi-transparent modules for use in agrivoltaic (=combination of PV and agriculture) applications, as well as coloured modules that provide aesthetic benefits. The active awning and its modules will permit evaluations of the benefits of DC-DC optimisers to reduce mismatch between the different modules.

The active awning in front of the Living Lab hosts 10 PV modules, showing the variety of PV modules available on the market, and the evolution over the past decades.

The Living Lab illustrates a variety of solar technologies and related enabling technologies. The Living Lab has:

All of the measured data points are captured and saved at 15 second resolution in a local database for future analysis and use in the Living Lab.

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The measuring data of the living lab are available to everyone and can be downloaded below. Select the period for which you want to obtain the data and press "download". When selecting a period longer than one month, csv files with 5-minute values will be downloaded in order to minimize the download time. If you want to download the original 15-second values you should download it month by month. If you would like to obtain the detailed data for long periods of time, you may also contact us and we will send it to you by mail.

Attention, depending on the length of the selected period, downloading may take several minutes.

Select which data should be downloaded:

A file explaining the columns of the different databases can be downloaded here


Questions? Feel free to contact us!

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